@donghae861015 3/21 12:45
떳다오빠 일본 뮤직비디오 나왔음^^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JknI4Xw1kdQ&feature=youtube_gdata_player
紅了OPPA 日本版的MV出來了^^
@donghae861015 3/18 23:26
Thank U Thai ELF !! I love u so much !! See u soon http://yfrog.com/h4lrginj
@donghae861015 3/18 23:26
9년뒤의 모습 ^^ ㅎㅎ태국 마지막날 콘서트 !! http://pic.twitter.com/fhqThQIi
9年後的樣子^^ ㅎㅎ泰國最後一天演唱會!!
@donghae861015 3/17 20:22
태국 콘서트중 ^^ 아직두 3시간 남았음^^ Thai ELF Let's have fun!! http://pic.twitter.com/zP2Nn1y9
泰國CON中^^ 還剩下3個小時^^ Thai ELF Let's have fun!!
@donghae861015 3/16 01:15
은혁아 이게 언제냐 ??ㅎㅎㅎ http://pic.twitter.com/DwWxic4x
銀赫啊 這個是什麼時候??ㅎㅎㅎ
@donghae861015 3/16 01:06
Good Night Beutiful Vietnam!!^^ Thank u so much !! I U http://pic.twitter.com/Xne340UC
@donghae861015 3/15 03:07
I'm in Vietnam see u Tomorrow ELF !! Good Night !!
@donghae861015 3/12
떳다오빠 일본에서 앨범나왓어요 ^^ http://pic.twitter.com/mTnF4a7g
紅了OPPA 在日本的專輯出來了^^