Lee Teuk special1004 Lee Teuk       23:47 

 msn 전 세계 투표에서 우리가 1등했다..!!!^^ 으히히 감사합니다!!



Lee Teuk     23:46
cranking up an overwhelming 323,355 or 61% of online votes with their winning song Mr Simple

他們憑藉歌曲《Mr.Simple》以323,355 票、 61%的絕對性優勢取得了勝利





Lee Teuk     23:46
The South Korean boyband beat 36 other Korean acts to nab the MSN International Award,



Lee Teuk special1004 Lee Teuk       00:01

ost 바로 방송탔네!!!오~~~신기해!!!!^^다들 이특이특 하는구나...^^ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅡㅡㅋ


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