SiwonChoi siwon407 SiwonChoi       23:55 
I dont know what i would do if you weren't with me E.L.F. Thanks again! good night :)
如果沒有ELF們我不知道自己該怎麼辦。再次感謝!晚安 :)
SiwonChoi siwon407 SiwonChoi       23:48 
good night beautiful world. Its going to be okay. cheers!
晚安美麗的世界。會好起來的。 cheers!
SiwonChoi     20:44
thank you for love and support.
SiwonChoi     20:00
Pray for me and my family. Thank you all.
為我和我的家人祈禱. 謝謝大家.
SiwonChoi     19:58
Hello beautiful world. I lost my grandmother on my mom's side. That's why I'm in Korea now and leaving early in the morning for Osaka.

你好美麗的世界. 我失去了在母親身邊的外婆. 這就是我為什麼一大早離開大阪回韓國的原因.


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