SiwonChoi @siwon407 2/13 00:48
thank you so much my lovely sister @pristaceylee always thank you and always love you!
SiwonChoi @siwon407 2/13 12:01
#nowplaying "I will always love you-Whitney Houston" you will be missed!
正在聽"I will always love you(我會永遠愛你),-Whitney Houston你將錯過!
SiwonChoi @siwon407 2/12 10:28
RIP #WhitneyHouston we have just lost another music icon.
SiwonChoi @siwon407 2/12 10:24
be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the LORD.
SiwonChoi @siwon407 2/12 07:17
good morning beautiful world.
SiwonChoi @siwon407 2/11 01:08
good night beautiful world. always beautiful you are.
SiwonChoi @siwon407 2/10 23:37
희범아 내일 미용실가자^^ "야 다음엔 너 머리도 내가 잘라줄게" 난 아주 정중하게 거절^^ btw mission complete!
希範啊明天去美容院吧^^ "呀下一次我也幫你剪頭髮吧" 我非常鄭重的拒絕了^^ btw mission complete!
SiwonChoi @siwon407 2/10 23:18
- After
SiwonChoi @siwon407 2/10 23:10
- Before
SiwonChoi @siwon407 2/10 22:58
이제 마지막 단계...
SiwonChoi @siwon407 2/10 22:39
希澈哥幫希范美容前. 聽他說這句話就有點擔心^^ "上學時我都是自己剪的頭髮"
SiwonChoi @siwon407 2/10 13:44
Let it snow.. Let it snow.. Let it snow :)
SiwonChoi @siwon407 2/08 07:22
good morning beautiful world. wish u have a good day all!
SiwonChoi @siwon407 2/07 19:21
Like King David's Heart :)
SiwonChoi @siwon407 2/07 02:07
good night beautiful world. home sweet home.
SiwonChoi @siwon407 2/06 16:59
home sweet home..
SiwonChoi @siwon407 2/06 16:57
Thanks again Taiwan. it was really really great! love you so much!
SiwonChoi @siwon407 2/05 20:12
谢谢 大家 그저 고맙고, 또 고맙고.. 잊지못할 추억만들어준 TAIWAN E.L.F 고마워요^^ 자기들 덕분에 4회공연.. 총17시간 행복했어요 ^^ 다시한번 고마워요 사랑해요~^^
謝謝大家除了感謝, 還是感謝.. 給我們製造了不能忘記的回憶的TAIWAN ELF 謝謝^^ 託你們的福的4次公演.. 度過了幸福的17小時^^ 再一次謝謝我愛你們~^ ^
SiwonChoi @siwon407 2/05 17:34
Is it today international kissing day? If that true happy kissing day :)
SiwonChoi @siwon407 2/05 17:34
do you know what is different our concert? Staff worship! Its like david's heart. amazing grace. service in taipei !
SiwonChoi @siwon407 2/05 12:58
ast day super show 4 in taipei already. Its going to very impression. really good.
SiwonChoi @siwon407 2/04 04:24
good night beautiful world. always amazing cheers!
SiwonChoi @siwon407 2/03 00:26
you are amazing taipei. It was powerful first day. see you tomorrow! good night beautiful world. you are such a light!
SiwonChoi @siwon407 2/02 12:32
As expected SUPER SHOW with Rain!
SiwonChoi @siwon407 2/02 08:42
thanks again thailand! you are always suprise me :) see you soon. cheers!
SiwonChoi @siwon407 2/02 08:26
not for me, not for you.. only for jesus!
SiwonChoi @siwon407 2/02 08:22
In flight. heading to taipei. SIWON he is in gate C1? funny ;)
SiwonChoi @siwon407 2/02 07:30
오직 예수님만을 위해야 하는데 혹시라도 내 영광을 위해 내가 각광받기위해 그럴까 조심스럽고 겁이납니다. 오늘도 조심하는 하루!
應該只為了重要的耶穌而做如果為了我的榮譽為了我受人矚目那樣就會十分小心. 今天也要度過小心的一天!
SiwonChoi @siwon407 2/02 02:18
good night beautiful world. you don't know how lovely you are. God bless you all. cheers!
SiwonChoi @siwon407 2/02 02:17
thanks again thailand. I really appreciate it for your passion and share. Im always be with you and stay with you.
SiwonChoi @siwon407 2/02 02:14
are you ready to enjoy TAIPEI ? see you tomorrow. we are coming. let's make wonderful night with us ;)
SiwonChoi @siwon407 2/01 22:20
can't describe by word. nothing to compare. just.. thank you and love you.